Wednesday 20 May 2020

Depict Evaluation

Task 1 Evaluation

The task was to make a short film for Depict. Our idea for our short film was 'How much does you outfit cost?'. We asked multiple people this question and our message we tried to get across was does wearing brands or how much an item of clothing costs actually mean anything.

My role during the process was location scouting, which is to find locations to film for our short film, I also operated equipment, such as the camera and boom mic. I also starred in the short film for a scene.

A few things were changed from the pre-production, such as some locations were different when filmed. but everything else stayed the same from the pre-production. The reason some locations were changed was simply due to the original location not being as good as we thought it would be for the scene.

I think one of most successful aspects of the project was getting our message across and I also think the voice overs for the project was another successful aspect of the project. If I was to change something, I think I would different locations for example more outside locations. Also I would of wanted to make the short film a little longer so more people could of been interviewed for the project and we would have some more opinions on if brands and costs of items actually mean anything.

What I enjoyed the most was filming the footage for the project and getting people to tell us about their outfit, I also enjoyed editing and putting all the footage together for a short film.                                                                                           

Monday 18 May 2020

College Video First Cut Evaluation

I will be evaluating the first cut of my promotional video for college. I will be talking about what I have done well, what I need to improve on and the audiences response to the promotional video.

Content/mise en scene
In my video, I show off a lot of the college such as: main reception, cafeteria and many other locations around the college. I done this as I did not want to show what one course offers for new students, but instead show what the college offers as a whole. The response from the audience for this was overall good, however to make it that little better I need to slow some of the shots down as some of the cuts are too quick.

The camerawork overall was okay, there is some shots that I need to work on, as some shots in the cafeteria were quite shaky and I had to fix this when editing. There are also some really good shots, for example the two students sitting on the computers in the classroom and the camera is moving to the side.

Editing and use of post-production effects.
In my opinion, I found editing the hardest, as most of time I didn't know what I was doing. Editing is a skill that I definitely need to work on. some of the cuts are too quick and need to be slowed down and also some of the camera shots are either too dark or too bright, so this is something that needs to be fixed when editing the video.

I used a pretty basic instrumental for the video as it didn't really matter too much. There are also some voice overs during the video, however they are something that I need to fix, as the audience liked the instrumental but told me that I need to work on the voice overs.

I did not use graphics in my promotional video, so this is something I could consider when editing the video again or for another project. Some audience members suggested graphics, so having a graphic at the start and also end credits could make the promotional video a lot better. 

Monday 4 May 2020


Production Process 

In the process of production, we filmed on a Canon EOS 700D.
We filmed most of our scenes in a corridor in the college building.
Unfortunately, multiple problems occurred during the production process. Our main problem was that we had to shoot on two different days which lead to continuity errors such as, different clothing and different weather conditions.    

Editing Process

During the process of editing, we used Adobe Premier Pro to edit and put our shots together to make a short film.

Monday 27 April 2020

Ownership and Funding

Ownership and Funding

Public Service Broadcasting - Broadcasting is made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. PSB is neither commercial or state-owned. The BBC is an example of Public Service Broadcasting.

Commercial Broadcasting - Television programs are broadcasted by privately owned corporate media. ITV is an example of Commercial Broadcasting.

Private Ownership - The company is owned by a private individual or organisation rather than a public body. for Example ITV is a private company.

Global Companies - A company becomes global when it does business in at least one country outside of it's country of origin.

Vertical Integration - The combination in one firm of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate firms.

Horizontal Integration - The company increases production of goods and services at the same part of the supply chain.

The Licence Fee - To watch or record live television transmissions as they are being broadcast, all households in the United Kingdom must have a television licence.

Subscription - A subscription is between a company and customer where the customer will provide payments for regular products or services.

One-off Payment To Own Product - It is a transaction that is not a continuous relationship between a seller and buyer. The buyer purchases something once and then the payment process is over.

Pay Per View -  It is a type of pay television or webcast service, where a viewer can purchase events. the broadcast is shown at the same time for everybody who purchases the pay per view.

Sponsorship - A sponsorship can financially support a business or company.

Advertising - It is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. A TV advert is a type of advertising.

Product Placement - It is a marketing technique where references to a specific brand or product is shown in other work, such as a film or a TV show.

Private Capital - Money is provided to a business as a loan or equity investment however, it does not come from a bank or government entity, instead individuals that make investments.

Crowdfunding - It is funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people. For example, GoFundMe is a type of crowdfunding.

Development Funds - They are used in an indirect sales channel where funds are made available by a manufacturer or brand.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Preparing Material for Editing

Preparing Material for Editing

We use local logins instead of network logins, because when video editing the size of the files are very often to big, meaning networks aren't powerful enough.

 It is also important to have appropriate folders, such as different folders for footage, audio and graphics by doing this, it will be much easier to find what you are looking for.
When having a folder for footage, it will also be useful having different folders with different dates on days that you have filmed, as this will be able to find certain footage easier.

When setting up the settings for the premier pro project, you need a name for the project and you also need the correct location, which can be seen in the photo below.
the second part of the settings is in the scratch disk, everything needs to be set as same as project as everything will be together when looking for something.
When finished completing settings, you need to import the footage to premier pro in the appropriate bins, the bins are similar to the folders you have on your mac. They are called bins, because film used to be stored into bins too keep the dust off of the film.
Creating graphics and titles are very useful, as you can use them to create credits for you project, as the audience will need to know who filmed and edited the video and also who is in the video if there are people in it.
If music or any sound is going to put into the video, then it first needs to be imported similar to how footage and audio is imported. First the music or sound needs to be downloaded and then it can be put onto your timeline for your project.

Monday 3 February 2020

Editing Techniques

This post describes some of the editing techniques I have used using Adobe Premier Pro. The first technique I used was the Pen Tool.
The pen tool is in the effects panel, with the pen tool you are able to draw any shape that you want to draw. Once a shape has been drawn, you are then able to apply any effects in the inside or outside area of the shape.

The clip speed / duration alters the speed of the clip, you change the percentage so the higher the percentage, the faster the clip is, you can also reverse the speed meaning the clip can go backwards.


Multicam editing - lots of tracks on the time line and you can see them all at once for editing

Using multiple tracks on the timeline

Colour grading and changing colours

Replacing a clip
Adding visual only clips

 Adding Transitions